C & S Construction Co
Company Name: C & S Construction Co
Status: Active
State: Hawaii
Post: 96720-5373
County: Hawaii
City: Hilo
Address: 2159 Kinoole Street
Phone: (808)959-5848
Fax: (808)959-3324
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Wayne Kaneshiro
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 154213 Industry group: General Building Contractors, Business category: General contractors-nonresidential bldg, Subcategory: Building contractors
Employees: 14
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 6,132,000
Overall: C & S Construction Co is a business categorized under general contractors-nonresidential bldg, which is part of the larger category general building contractors. C & S Construction Co is located at the address 2159 Kinoole Street in Hilo, Hawaii 96720-5373. The Owner is Wayne Kaneshiro who can be contacted at (808)959-5848.
- Construction company
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Click here add new review about: C & S Construction Co (General Building Contractors)
Name: G.K.J.I.
Message: AWESOME quality of workmanship and very clean finish homes. They have always strived for perfection and customer satisfaction. I was employed with them in the late 80s early 90s and the company has grown with the times and STILL offer and provide top notch work with you in mind.