Kavana Homes Inc
Company Name: Kavana Homes Inc
Status: Active
State: Hawaii
Post: 96720-4538
County: Hawaii
City: Hilo
Address: 756 Kekuanaoa Street
Phone: (808)935-4243
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact President: Peter Vana
Web site: www.kavanahomes.com
SIC code: 152199 Industry group: General Building Contractors, Business category: General Contractors, Single Family Houses, Subcategory: Residential Contractor
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): Unavailable
Overall: Kavana Homes Inc is a business categorized under general contractors, single family houses, which is part of the larger category general building contractors. Kavana Homes Inc is located at the address 756 Kekuanaoa Street in Hilo, Hawaii 96720-4538. The President is Peter Vana who can be contacted at (808)935-4243.
- Construction company
- General contractor
- Home builder
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Name: H.H.
Message: I have lived on one of their properties for 2 and 1/2 years. Zero complaints. They acknowledge issues in a reasonable time, and also keep their rent levels reasonable.
Name: D.O.
Message: If your in the market for a new home and would love to have someone hold your hand through the process, kavana homes, and Martha will be that hand. Highly recommend.