Reef Development Of Hawaii Inc, 99-930 Iwaena Street Room 107B, Aiea, HI, 96701-3283, building contractors

U.S Building Contractors Hawaii Building Contractors Hawaii - List of United States General Building Contractors

Reef Development Of Hawaii Inc

Company Name: Reef Development Of Hawaii Inc
Status: Active
State: Hawaii
Post: 96701-3283
County: Honolulu
City: Aiea
Address: 99-930 Iwaena Street Room 107B
Phone: (808)488-1228
Fax: (808)487-9196
Email: unknown
Contact President: Sam Aguirre
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 154213 Industry group: General Building Contractors, Business category: General contractors-nonresidential bldg, Subcategory: Building contractors
Employees: 120
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 52,560,000
Overall: Reef Development Of Hawaii Inc is a business categorized under general contractors-nonresidential bldg, which is part of the larger category general building contractors. Reef Development Of Hawaii Inc is located at the address 99-930 Iwaena Street Room 107B in Aiea, Hawaii 96701-3283. The President is Sam Aguirre who can be contacted at (808)488-1228.
  • General contractor
  • Construction company
  • Contractor
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Name: D.J.
Message: My family to me n will always be my family. I've worked for the family company back in the late 70s n early 80s n the company is still going strong. Quality work n promising jobs to complete is for sure. Thank you uncle Sam & Family
Name: R.B.
Message: I work here, I am biased :) that photo is of closet systems, Reef is on the opposite end of the building.
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